
upcoming feldenkrais workshops

Feldenkrais Method Workshops
coming soon
Reaching From a Place of Stability
Our Feldenkrais Method Workshop in February was postponed due to the coronavirus crisis. After sharing 7 audio lessons with the participants we are going to begin the classes in our studio on 20th June. The places on these rescheduled classes are full but we will launch a set of classes for theatre practitioners to explore the work and inspirations of Moshe Feldenkrais on Monday afternoons. We will do awareness through movement (TM) lessons as well as reading together some of Moshe’s writings. The workshops welcome the participation of performers, theatre artists/ curators, designers, art administrators and technicians.
Bonni Chan is a Certified Feldenkrais Method Practitioner and the Co-Artistic Director of Theatre du Pif.
Theatre du Pif Sheung Wan Studio
To safeguard the health and safety for our facilitator and our participants, the preventative measures are implemented in our studio.
Conducted in Cantonese
4 sessions
$800 /

Feldenkrais Movement Lessons for Healthy and Dynamic Legs
coming soon
The experience of doing a Feldenkrais (Awareness through Movement®) lesson can give you the opportunity to understand yourself in new and exciting ways.
As you are guided to combine a series of gentle movements with relaxation and attention, useful sensory information is communicated between your brain and body. This encourages new learning which interrupts old patterns and allows healthier movement and improved posture to emerge.
Sean will teach 4 Awareness through Movement® lessons that are beneficial for restoring the healthy and efficient function of your hips, knees, feet and ankles.
Sean Curran is a Certified Feldenkrais Method Practitioner and the Co-Artistic Director of Theatre du Pif.
Theatre du Pif Sheung Wan Studio
Conducted in English and Cantonese
4 sessions

Feldenkrais Movement Lessons for the Neck, Shoulders and Arms
coming soon
Many of our everyday activities such as sitting at our computer, talking or texting on our phones or walking to work can put stress and strain on the muscles of the neck and shoulders.

 But it is not these activities that are the problem but the way we do them.

 We often use ineffective and inefficient movement patterns and we don’t pay attention to how we are moving.

 In these 4 Feldenkrais Movement Lessons you will learn to use your neck, shoulders and arms in more efficient and effective ways that will help to reduce muscular tension in those three areas.

 Past participants in Sean’s Feldenkrais Movement lessons have reported that afterwards they felt a positive difference in their ability to do basic actions such as turning, walking, typing, and even sleeping while their flexibility, breathing, posture and balance also improved.

Sean Curran is a Certified Feldenkrais Method Practitioner and the Co-Artistic Director of Theatre du Pif.
Theatre du Pif Sheung Wan Studio
Conducted in English and Cantonese
4 sessions

Feldenkrais Movement Lessons for the Hips and Lower back
coming soon
Most of us will suffer some form of lower back pain in our lives. I recently spent 3 days recovering from a back injury I picked up playing football and while I was lucky enough to receive excellent treatment from a Cheung Chau massage master, I am aware that his healing hands though of great help offer only a temporary relief to injury. If I want to be able to continue to play football regularly or practice theatre or sit at a computer helping to write long grant proposals (which I’m currently doing this week!) then I need to find a path to good health that is both self-educating and self-healing.
And how can I do that?
By learning to retrain my brain to reorganize the way I move my body and eliminate unnecessary harmful patterns. For example: If my hips are not functioning well and doing what they’re supposed to do then the muscles of my lower back need to work harder to compensate and this will lead to inevitable discomfort and eventually pain.
Sean will teach a new set of Awareness through Movement® classes that will focus on good use of the hips and lower back. The aim of these classes is to help restore the whole body’s capacity for efficient, flexible and co-ordinated movement.
Whether you are currently experiencing discomfort in your lower back or you simply want to enjoy a favorite hobby or sit more comfortably at your computer then these classes might be of benefit to you.
Sean Curran is a Certified Feldenkrais Method Practitioner and the Co-Artistic Director of Theatre du Pif.
Theatre du Pif Sheung Wan Studio
Conducted in English and Cantonese
4 sessions